Thursday, February 5, 2009

LSU's System Response to the Division of Administration's Budget Reduction Exercise

"Until the final budget reduction is known it is not possible to anticipate the impact to the campus performance indicators.  However, this much is known.  Based on the Division of Administration's directive to prepare for a $71.9 million budget reduction for LSU, the consequences will be felt by students, faculty and ultimately the state's knowledge based workforce.  

The budget reduction will reduce the number of instructional and research faculty and as a consequence require the remaining faculty to increase their teaching load each semester.  The reduction of faculty will also mean many classes will be taught by adjuncts and part time instructors...Accreditation issues may surface with SACS and other governing agencies relative to the reduction in full-time faculty...

Students will experience large class sizes with faculty reduction.  To remedy the decrease in class offerings with the loss of faculty many classes will need to be offered using adjunct faculty...[and] they will only be able to teach in the late evening and on weekends...the time to degree attainment will increase significantly."  


  1. I'm from Hammond, LA and wrestled for weeks to choose the university that I wanted to attend. I felt bad for not attending LSU and being away from the state I love, but I now know that attending UNC was the best choice I could have made since LA still cannot understand the value of educating it's residents.

  2. If Missouri, Maryland and Oregon can undergo similar budget cuts without hurting higher education, why can't Louisiana? What are those states doing differently?

  3. Those states or spending wisely and are willing to make an investment into students that will make an impact in peoples lives and the economy.

  4. Way to go Bobby Jindal for investing billions of dollars in wetlands when your state won't be able to research them if you had them due to lack of researchers from a disappearing education. Didn't you go to Oxford why can't Louisiana citizens have the opportunity's attend a Top Tier university?
